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“E-money and Digital Payments.”

“E-money and Digital Payments.”

F. Zatti and R. G. Barresi will be speaking at a roundtable of the II Congreso Internacional Nuevos Retos del Derecho Societario y Financiero on September 6 organised at the University of Zaragoza. The session will be moderated by R. Marimón Durá and feature G. Gimigliano. The roundtable is scheduled for 10 a.m. and requires in-person attendance. We are very honoured that BABEL is part of the Congress. Special thanks to Reyes Palá Laguna, Pedro José Bueso Guillén, and Rebeca Herrero Morant for leading the path of the research in this field and involving us.


A Major National Research Project on Tokenisation Involves BABEL

A Major National Research Project on Tokenisation Involves BABEL

Supported by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (PRIN 2022) with Next-Generation EU funding.


New BABEL Research Paper on Digital Euro Regulation Published by SSRN

New BABEL Research Paper on Digital Euro Regulation Published by SSRN

We are pleased to announce that a new research paper titled “The Digital Euro Package: from Legal Tender to Payment Services Providers” by Filippo Zatti and Rosa Giovanna Barresi has been accepted for publication on SSRN (Social Science Research Network).


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